Friday, September 3, 2010

Still Day two...making our way to Winnipeg Manitoba.

So it turns out driving across Canada sure is a lot of driving. : ) Saskatoon to Winnipeg today... that’s about  781.35 km...   8.6 hours. 
We finallllllly stopped. 
Wolesey Saskatchewan.
Small town. Very small. 
But not too small for an ice cream shop and a swinging bridge...perfect. Just what we needed....fresh air, some laughs and a sweet treat. 
Enjoy some photos below.

Another milestone. Just crossed the Manitoba border. Making progress!  :)
p.s. blogging is awesome...and making this trip even more enjoyable! Thanks for checking in!
Janine and Trent


  1. I love your blog...the last time I tried leaving a comment it wouldn't let me :( I can't wait for you both to get home!!! Baby Gavin says, "drive safely and Love You!! xoxo

  2. Wel... WELL.. WELL ... IT is GREAT that you stopped for a break to get some pictures of some scenes like the swinging bridge .... but where's the picture of your ice cream?.... ha ha ha!!!!

    Love your pictures!!!!!!!

    DRIVE SAFELY!!!!!!!!

    Love Erin ooooooooooooo

  3. Wow - what a great idea - I feel like we are traveling across Canada with you. Such awesome pictures of your adventure! I wish I had known you were stopping in Wolesely - the Mayor is a dear friend of our family. You could have had a personal tour & then they'd have taken you home for the night, too! Look forward to seeing your next travels......Edna

  4. Wow Guys! What an awesome idea! Such a creative couple you guys are, or wait! should I say Janine is! haha, Sorry Trent, I could be wrong, but it just seems to me that this would have been Janine's idea.. Again, Sorry.. LOL!
    Janine, you sure have a way with words!! I really enjoyed reading your blog so far. Seems like you guys are having a great experience traveling home & what a wonderful way to keep the memory of it by doing this blog..soo smart :)
    The 4 of us will have to get together some night when you get home "& when Mark comes home from working in AB". Would love to hear Trent & Mark play together again!!!
    Enjoy the rest of your trip & drive safe! I'll continue to read & see how your travels go!

  5. You mentioned that you found an ice cream shop;
    but you didn't take a picture of the shop or the ice cream that you guys bought - so SAD!!!!!!

    AMAZING pictures you took!!!!!!!!

    Janine - you HAD to get up close to the giant marshmallows!!!!!!

    Trent - I LOVE your pose!!!!!

    Love Erin xoxoxoxoooooo

  6. Hi you love birds!!!
    Aunt Carmel here. Thought the comment I sent last night {Sun. Sept. 5th } would have gone through but your mom said not so!! Oh Dear!!
    Your trip is similar to our trip in 1985 when Ches and I drove across Canada. My thoughts are with you so be safe.
    We were picking blueberries today and got 2 1/2 beef buckets full. Just cleaned a 1/3 of them and am now ready for a good snooze.
    Got to see if this message will go so I'll call Erin and try to see if it works this time.
    Take care.
    Drive safely.
    Love Aunt Carmel

  7. Love you blog and reading up on your journey!
    Especially loving all the awesome pictures!

    Safe travels,
