Friday, September 3, 2010

Day three...Winnipeg to Dryden...350km

Here is a picture of us crossing into Manitoba. I forgot to post it last night. : )

We didn't go very far today. But we did learn a series of great life lessons.
#1. Never...ever...start your day on a Cross Canada Roadtrip without coffee.
#2. Figure out where your going before you start driving around an unfamiliar city.
#3. Parking in a busy downtown area when towing a trailer behind your truck is never...ever...a good idea.
#4. During wasp season, always...always...keep your windows rolled up (if not Mr. Wasp will fly into your vehicle causing you to hysterically spill the much needed Starbucks Americano you just bought).

On a side note:
Is your husband like mine? Does he refuse to use a map and/or gps system? What's up with that?

Needless to say, Winnipeg did not go as planned. We left late, after 3:30 and decided not to go very far today as we were both very tired...I think physically and emotionally. Here are a few photos we did manage to get while in Winnipeg. I'm sure it is a wonderful city...we will just have to plan to visit it again sometime. : )

This rider was in front of us as we made our way out of the city. Brought a smile to my face!

We drove to Kenora which was only about 2 hours. Stopped for another coffee at Tim's and drove to the lake. It was a super cute town. We were there just in time to see the sun set on the water. Beautiful. There was a little family of deer on the side of the road. Here is one looking both ways before crossing the street. :) Cute.
We posed for a few photos ourselves:

Next we drove another hour and a half to Dryden and stopped for the night. It was the best decision ever! It was so nice just to chill in our hotel room and have a few hours to finish my blog post in my pj's. We just finished ordering pizza and now watching tv...simple wonderfulness!

Till tomorrow....and thanks for all your comments!

Janine and Trent


  1. Another GOOD DAY - THANK GOD;
    I keep saying the Prayer to Our Lady of the Highways to protect you on your way!

  2. So GLAD you're taking the time to browse and ENJOY the SCENIC relaxation!

    I'm impressed with all your photography, too.
    GREAT SHOTS!!!!!

    Love to you both xoxoxoxoxoxo

  3. O, the deer family! Bet you thought you were back on Fogo Island (ha ha).

    Can't wait for more info as you journey.

    Sending lots of xxxxoooo with our prayers.

    Love Mom, Dad, and Erin

  4. Those deer are so cute!

  5. Awesome pics and memories, you are an awesome photographer.. safe travels, xoxo

  6. Janine...afraid of a wasp??? I can't imagine. Some nerve messing with your coffee. I would have liked to see it though...can just picture it. Sorry you left with a bad impression of Winnipeg. Can't wait to see more pics.

    Had coffee with the girls yesterday...we were missing you!!!


  7. You two are just tooooo cute!! I get home from our BC vaca and think about messaging you guys to find out how your travels are and bamm, there is a blog!! What a great idea. You are both so creative. On a sad note, this blog is making me miss you guys and your cuteness way too much. It sucks that you will be so far away now :(

    Anywho, must catch up on the rest of your blogs. Be sure to update me with your new numbers once you settle on the rock.

    Love always,
    Karla xoxo

    P.S. When it comes to directions, Garrett and I are completely opposite. He will ask &/or look up the directions right away. I, however, will stubbornly spend hours trying to find my way on my own, lol. Must be a Luff thing!!

  8. It totally is Karla, I know another Luff who hates directions/maps lol! Lovin' the blog Janine, can't wait to see you when you're back on the rock!

    Candace xo
